Monday 7 November 2011

Digipak Creation

We downloaded Photoshop templates that would be a suitable size for the CD case we were going to use. To create our front cover we took a long time deciding on which image to use, we thought that the front cover was the most important part of the digipak, as it is what the audience will first see and give them a positive or negative first impression. We chose the image below, as it shows the four artists, and I feel it looks professional and attracts attention. The font we chose were quite simplistic, but effective as they add to the run-down look of the image.

To create the back cover we chose the image that we preferred out of all our ideas. We then began to add track-listing and other common conventions of didipak back covers. Also I experimented with the brightness and contrast, and found that increasing the contrast slightly made the image look more defined, and increasing the brightness made the image stand out more.

The inside covers of the digipak were fairly simple to create as we had already decided on which picture to use, as it was a widescreen landscape shot that we wanted to position across the two inside panels. We increased the saturation of the image to make the artists stand out more. And also added the band name along the edge of the right panel, so it could be seen on the front of the digipak through the plastic window.

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