Friday 11 November 2011

Analysis Of Magazine Adverts From Our Genre

This poster seems to just be an up scaled version of Jay Z's album Kingdom Come. All urban adverts seem to have an empowering image of the artist, utilising a convention that shows off the genre for example with Jay Z he is wearing a baseball cap, this is a stereotypical item of clothing that somebody who likes hip-hop music might wear.

The face of jay-z is very clear and noticeable which gives him an iconic status of importance for the audience to recognise. This is a vital aspect of advertisement especially within the industry of RnB because the majority of artists are soloists and compete for the most recognisable face.

We can see the use of dark red, black and white colours. The colours from this advert are simplistic yet effectively as it creates a persona for what the music from the album is like. As they are much muted colours it could signify quite deep and emotional music but not hugely upbeat.

The layout from this advert is very detail with information provided for the upcoming album. The Again this is a key convention

I decided to compare my magazine advert with the 'The Black Eyed Peas' album magazine advert because it gave me a better insight into not just what the RnB/Hip-Hop genre would use, but what the actual band we are imitating use towards a magazine advert.

We met with the convention of using a similar or the same picture as to the digipak. We edited it however so that the background is dull yet the artist stand out with colour.We did this so this image which is used for the magazine advert can promote the artists more than the song because we wanted the audience to know what the band looks like to make them more recognisable.
The colours in this image are plain and bland using mostly white and grey white which symbolises purity and innocence and also they reason white may have been used is because it works well with any colour.

The magazine advert does not provide a lot of information for the audience. The main information that they have included is the title and album name. The font has been made very bold as this is very important information for the audience however there is no additional information about the album such as; release date, availability, website etc.

With regards to the font, it is fairly futuristic and modern which can be interpreted by the audience with things such as a modern band which uses technological devices to help influence and combine with their music.
The last four letters of the word Billboard has been filled in with different colours which symbolises a unique style that the band has and that they are trying to set out being different by how their medium looks.

There is a website which gives some leading information to the audience if they wanted to know more about the album or the band as a whole and gives the image a more professional finish. Also the pose in which the band members are standing promotes a powerful and important feel and that they are a serious band. The girl is situated in the middle to promote her glamour and also her importance to the band and that she is just as important as the male band members.

Overall, I think the general layout and appearance of the advertisement works effectively due to the choice of image and colours used. The bright colours help to catch the eye and maintain focus which creates further focus on the other information on the advertisement i.e. the release date, new album etc.

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