Friday 11 November 2011

Creation Of Our Magazine Advert

We used Adobe Photoshop to produce our magazine advert. We decided on which image we were going to use almost immediately, as we all had a clear image of what we wanted on the magazine advert, we wanted a large image that displayed the artists, but also had space to put the magazine advert information.

I really wanted to make the artists stand out on the magazine advert, so I used the black/white colour effect, in the image adjustments panel. To make the artists stand out I used the history brush tool to revert the artists back to colour whilst leaving the rest of the image in black/white.

We used a font called praetorian, this font really stood out from the rest of the magazine advert and was very eye-catching when combined with a bold yellowish colour. The font contrasted greatly with the black and white background, therefore audiences will straight away notice either the brightly coloured artists, or the brightly coloured band name.

Also to add authenticity to our magazine advert, we included some conventions of real magazine adverts, for example the record label, album review and the itunes logo. This made the magazine advert look more professional.

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