Tuesday 1 November 2011

Analysis of Digipaks From My Genre

Lil Wayne - Rebirth

The main icon in this image is the young, laid back artist the artist takes up a large percentage of the frame connoting importance and power. The wide shot creates a calm and laid back atmosphere as does the lack of icons surrounding him. From his pose it suggests that he is casual, confident and fashionable
The main colours used on this digipak are quite dark colours, mostly brown which creates a very calm laid back atmosphere. Despite being quite dull colours it still manages to grab the audience’s attention due to the contrast in the colours of the album title and artist name.

The font is bold with bright colours of red and white which contrast well with the background. The large 'Lil Wayne' font has confident and bold connotations. The font of the artists name is the same as the font on the magazine advert for this digipak; this creates a clear brand identity and allows audiences to recognise this digipak as a product of Lil Wayne’s.

The large bright whites and red of the font overlapping the other elements of the image are the first thing that the audience would notice, therefore they can immediately recognise the artists name, which is helpful if they are fans of that particular artists. The positioning of the text is in the centre giving it more power and importance. The artists name is in much bigger font which shows his power.

The artist is illustrated as the key element. He looks very laid back which draws the attention of the audience, the open bodied pose has cool and confident connotations.

50 Cent - Before I Self Destruct

The main icon in this image is a young muscular artist which is connoting importance and power. The mid shot creates perhaps a sense of fear as the artist comes across as tough and a very masculine male. The way in which he is sat suggests that he is a fairly laid back male and very confident.

Bold, dark colours of black suggests the artist is very mysterious, the artist is also wearing black which grabs the audiences attention. The dark colours display a calm, easy going atmosphere which is emphasised by the shady looking artist in the image.

The font used is very bold and relatively big which connotes confident, masculine qualities. The writing 'Before I self Destruct' gives the image a more personal element and relates to the artist as perhaps being high tempered.

The positioning of the text is on the right side and the actor is on the other, which provides the artist with the positive and new associations that the right side can carry and also makes the artist stand out more. The artists name is in a high position which gives it importance and power.

The artist is illustrated as the key element. The calm open bodied laid back pose exudes confident and calm connotations. The text placed at a slight angle provides the artist with power and assurance. The distancing is fairly close, providing more intense and personal qualities.

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