Friday 11 November 2011

Magazine Advert Designs and Ideas

With regards to the creation of our digipak, some of the ideas we originally thought of didn’t get used for the finalised digipak. This however made the idea process of creating a magazine advert much easier as we already had some creative ideas. At first, we decided that the idea of the band as a whole standing in a line with the lead member standing forward to emphasise his importance. we also would have them stand on a train track which creates an authentic urban background. However when we observed this picture in greater detail, concerns was raised as to where we would be able to fit all of the information and advertisement reviews. This led us to discard the image as a whole and perhaps base our image on a similar version to one of the digiapk images.

We decided to choose the inside cover of our digipak, except add some creative effects to set the two images apart so that the audience can gain a clear insight into which advertisement is which. We wanted to leave a lot of room on the magazine advert to be able to fit information about the album on. Also leaving space would help to draw focus to the artists.

Here is an image of the magazine advert background image and possible band name font.

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