Thursday 30 June 2011


Here is a list of all the props we will need to use in our music video

  • Newspaper - The narrative of our video begins with a criminal shoplifting from a local garage, we decided that a newspaper would be a good item to use, as despite being a very cheap item to obtain, it is still a crime to take them and should be treated as seriously as if it was a more expensive item. Also the item would be easy for the criminal to run with and overcome the obstacles he will face whilst fleeing.
  • Police Costume - We would like to use a real police officer in our music video, however we are unsure if it will be possible for a police officer to appear in our video as they have an important job to do, and will most likely be unavailable to us. However we are going to visit the local police station and see if we can gain permission. If this is not possible we will have to use a costume which we will attempt to make as convincing as possible.
  • Train Ticket - Our main character is going to leave the first scene and enter the second location by means of a train. Therefore we thought including a short clip of him ripping up a train ticket in the second location would just confirm to the audience that he had entered the new location.
  • Bible for preacher - One of the ideas we came up with for our video, was to use a short clip of our actor Tom Manson preaching outside a church to passers by, however we are unsure how effective this shot will be and whether we can make it look realistic or not.
  • Banners/Signs for protesters - We would like to include a short scene of protesters and possibly rioters in our music video, therefore creating some banners and equipping our actors with them could get across the message that they are not happy with the world and therefore protesting.
  • Car(Police car if possible) - If possible we would like to include cutaway of a police car driving by the main character, in order to represent the amount of crime that is happening in the world.
  • Cigarette - Smoking is a habit that is sometimes associated with teens growing up in rough areas, therefore we will begin the music video with a quick shot of the criminal smoking and therefore representing that he lives in a rough environment.
  • Hoodies - In order to represent stereotypical gangs or groups of teenagers we will dress some of our characters in hoodies along with possibly tracksuit bottoms etc.
  • Fence - During the music video, the criminal will have to jump over a fence in order to escape.

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