Wednesday 29 June 2011

Evaluation of Questionnaire

We are going to aim our video at 16-25 year olds. As we feel that this is the age group who will enjoy the type of music, and also be able to relate to the narrative.

The participants of our questionnaire said that an introduction is relatively important in a music video, however they did not highlight it as a key factor of a music video. I think that an introduction would negate the immediate fast pace of the music video, so I don't think that I am going to include an introduction. We will mainly focus on maintaining an even ratio of narrative to performance, as with too much performance it would become quite a boring video, but too much narrative would make it seem unprofessional and not really like a music video.

From our questionnaire we have also found that most people watch music videos on the internet and on the television. Therefore we will probably post our video online either via YouTube or Facebook, as we do not have the budget to get our music video on TV.

The main expectations of the music video were varied shots of the performers, interesting narrative and obviously shots of the artists singing. We are definitely going to include lots of close-ups of the artists and group shots of the band together. Also we are going to include an exiting narrative that will involve a short chase scene. 

The musical preference of the participants were the genres Acoustic, rock, pop and R&B. This is helpful as our video is going to be in the R&B genre, but will also fall slightly into the Hip-hop genre, therefore we will mainly focus on the R&B genre when creating our video.

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