Wednesday 29 June 2011

Target Audience Questionnaire

Target Audience Questionnaire

We produced a questionnaire to gain ideas for our music video and receive other peoples preferences and expectations of music videos and also find out where and how they consume music videos.

Circle Which Apply To you

What gender are you?

 Male        Female                

What age are you?

13-15    16-18    18-21     22+

What type of music do you prefer?

R&B              Country and Western
Hip Hop        Classical
Rock             Acoustic
Pop               Rap

How many pop video’s do you watch a week?

0-3    4-7    5-10    10-14

What do you expect to see in a music video?

Bright colours                  Colour effects
Varied shots                    Special effects
Shots of the performer    Narrative         
Dancing                          The artist singing
Where do you watch music videos?

Internet                           Television
Mobile Phone                  iTunes

How important do you think an introduction is in a music video? Why? On a scale of 1-10

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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