Thursday 30 June 2011


Here is a list of all the props we will need to use in our music video

  • Newspaper - The narrative of our video begins with a criminal shoplifting from a local garage, we decided that a newspaper would be a good item to use, as despite being a very cheap item to obtain, it is still a crime to take them and should be treated as seriously as if it was a more expensive item. Also the item would be easy for the criminal to run with and overcome the obstacles he will face whilst fleeing.
  • Police Costume - We would like to use a real police officer in our music video, however we are unsure if it will be possible for a police officer to appear in our video as they have an important job to do, and will most likely be unavailable to us. However we are going to visit the local police station and see if we can gain permission. If this is not possible we will have to use a costume which we will attempt to make as convincing as possible.
  • Train Ticket - Our main character is going to leave the first scene and enter the second location by means of a train. Therefore we thought including a short clip of him ripping up a train ticket in the second location would just confirm to the audience that he had entered the new location.
  • Bible for preacher - One of the ideas we came up with for our video, was to use a short clip of our actor Tom Manson preaching outside a church to passers by, however we are unsure how effective this shot will be and whether we can make it look realistic or not.
  • Banners/Signs for protesters - We would like to include a short scene of protesters and possibly rioters in our music video, therefore creating some banners and equipping our actors with them could get across the message that they are not happy with the world and therefore protesting.
  • Car(Police car if possible) - If possible we would like to include cutaway of a police car driving by the main character, in order to represent the amount of crime that is happening in the world.
  • Cigarette - Smoking is a habit that is sometimes associated with teens growing up in rough areas, therefore we will begin the music video with a quick shot of the criminal smoking and therefore representing that he lives in a rough environment.
  • Hoodies - In order to represent stereotypical gangs or groups of teenagers we will dress some of our characters in hoodies along with possibly tracksuit bottoms etc.
  • Fence - During the music video, the criminal will have to jump over a fence in order to escape.


These are the locations that we are going to use for filming our music video

Market Rasen - Bright Daylight - Afternoon

  • Petrol station

  • Series of streets and alleys

  • Train Station

  • Inside the train

  • Police Staton

Lincoln - Weather - Gradually getting darker - Evening

  • Train station

  • High Street

  • In Car (Police car if possible)

We have selected these locations because they all meet the conventions of the genre of our music video as they are all urban locations and are generally quite run down.


    Main Performers:

    Ash Scott - Main Character and Singer

    George Cooper - Band Singer

    Tom Manson- Band Singer and preacher

    Kate Fenwick - Band Singer

    Aaron Scott - Criminal

    Other Performers

    Shannon Westwick - Pedestrian arguing
    Isabelle Stevenson - Pedestrian arguing
    Damilola Adewuyi - Shop assistant

    Wednesday 29 June 2011


    What's wrong with the world, mama
    People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
    I think the whole world addicted to the drama
    Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
    Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
    But we still got terrorists here livin'
    In the USA, the big CIA fightin'
    The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
    But if you only have love for your own race
    Then you only leave space to discriminate
    And to discriminate only generates hate
    And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
    Madness is what you demonstrate
    And that's exactly how anger works and operates
    Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight
    Take control of your mind and meditate
    Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all

    People killin', people dyin'
    Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
    Can you practice what you preach
    And would you turn the other cheek

    Father, Father, Father help us
    Send some guidance from above
    'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
    Where is the love (Love)

    Where is the love (The love)
    Where is the love (The love)
    Where is the love
    The love, the love

    It just ain't the same, always unchanged
    New days are strange, is the world insane
    If love and peace is so strong
    Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
    Nations droppin' bombs
    Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
    With ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
    So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
    So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
    In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'
    Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
    Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
    A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
    The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
    If you never know truth then you never know love
    Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
    Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
    Where's the love, y'all

    People killin', people dyin'
    Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
    Can you practice what you preach
    And would you turn the other cheek

    Father, Father, Father help us
    Send some guidance from above
    'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
    Where is the love (Love)

    Where is the love (The love)
    Where is the love (The love)
    Where is the love (The love)
    Where is the love (The love)
    Where is the love, the love, the love?

    I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
    As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
    Most of us only care about money makin'
    Selfishness got us followin' our wrong direction
    Wrong information always shown by the media
    Negative images is the main criteria
    Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
    Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
    Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
    Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
    Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity
    Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
    That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
    That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
    There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
    Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found
    Now ask yourself

    Where is the love?
    Where is the love?
    Where is the love?
    Where is the love?

    Father, Father, Father help us
    Send some guidance from above
    'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
    Where is the love?

    Sing wit me y'all:
    One world, one world (We only got)
    One world, one world (That's all we got)
    One world, one world
    And something's wrong wit it (Yeah)
    Something's wrong wit it (Yeah)
    Something's wrong wit the wo-wo-world, yeah
    We only got
    (One world, one world)
    That's all we got
    (One world, one world)

     These are our notes on the lyrics of our music video.

    Target Audience Member

    This is our target audience members Demographics and Psychographics.

    Evaluation of Questionnaire

    We are going to aim our video at 16-25 year olds. As we feel that this is the age group who will enjoy the type of music, and also be able to relate to the narrative.

    The participants of our questionnaire said that an introduction is relatively important in a music video, however they did not highlight it as a key factor of a music video. I think that an introduction would negate the immediate fast pace of the music video, so I don't think that I am going to include an introduction. We will mainly focus on maintaining an even ratio of narrative to performance, as with too much performance it would become quite a boring video, but too much narrative would make it seem unprofessional and not really like a music video.

    From our questionnaire we have also found that most people watch music videos on the internet and on the television. Therefore we will probably post our video online either via YouTube or Facebook, as we do not have the budget to get our music video on TV.

    The main expectations of the music video were varied shots of the performers, interesting narrative and obviously shots of the artists singing. We are definitely going to include lots of close-ups of the artists and group shots of the band together. Also we are going to include an exiting narrative that will involve a short chase scene. 

    The musical preference of the participants were the genres Acoustic, rock, pop and R&B. This is helpful as our video is going to be in the R&B genre, but will also fall slightly into the Hip-hop genre, therefore we will mainly focus on the R&B genre when creating our video.

    Analysis Of Questionnaire

    From our Questionnaire we discovered that generally people 
    think an introduction is relatively important in a music video. 

    From our questionnaire we can see that most people watch
    music videos on the internet and on the Television

    The main expectations of a music video according to our 
    survey are: Shots of the performers, Narrative, Varied shots
    and The artists singing.

    Most people only watch between 4 and 7 music videos a week.

    Our target audiences favourite genres of music were: 
    Acoustic, Rock, Pop and R&B

    The majority of our target audience were male.
    Our target audience were all in the 16-18 year old age range.

    Target Audience Questionnaire

    Target Audience Questionnaire

    We produced a questionnaire to gain ideas for our music video and receive other peoples preferences and expectations of music videos and also find out where and how they consume music videos.

    Circle Which Apply To you

    What gender are you?

     Male        Female                

    What age are you?

    13-15    16-18    18-21     22+

    What type of music do you prefer?

    R&B              Country and Western
    Hip Hop        Classical
    Rock             Acoustic
    Pop               Rap

    How many pop video’s do you watch a week?

    0-3    4-7    5-10    10-14

    What do you expect to see in a music video?

    Bright colours                  Colour effects
    Varied shots                    Special effects
    Shots of the performer    Narrative         
    Dancing                          The artist singing
    Where do you watch music videos?

    Internet                           Television
    Mobile Phone                  iTunes

    How important do you think an introduction is in a music video? Why? On a scale of 1-10

    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

    Monday 27 June 2011

    Band Permission

    We attempted to contact the 'Black Eyed Peas' asking for their permission to make our music video. Unfortunately they did not reply, therefore we assume that they have no issues with us making our video.

    Wednesday 15 June 2011



    In this music video i like the use of a canvas projection to highlight the main performers which i think is very effective. What i dislike about this video is that the majority of the video is performance and there is little narrative throughout the video which can make it seem quite boring which is why in my music video I am going to include an even amount of both performance and narrative.

    What i like about this music video is the use of a continuous combination of both performance and activity throughout the video. For example the use of different uses of everyday items creating a continuous line of motion which builds up to create and different and interesting end to the video and also the use of the band performing whilst all this is going on works well.What i dislike about this video is that there isn't many varied shots and only focuses on one shot which makes it seem repetitive and quite boring as it carries on, and also there is a distinct lack of narrative.


    In this music video i like the use of stop motion throughout the song which i think makes it more effective and interesting as it can illustrate the lyrics very well and we could include features of this video in our own project.
    I also like the combination of narrative and performance which makes the video more interesting which is what I plan to do in our music video.


    In this music video the majority is narrative which is good because it keeps the audience entertained, I would like the majority of our music video to be narrative. According to the Pop Star theory research I have looked into, stars are constructed, artificial images, even if they are represented as being "real people".

    I like this video because there is only one person performing each role of the band, this is an effective technique as is a interesting and unique way of illustrating the song and its lyrics. From the pop star theory Dyer proposes that a star is an image not a real person that is constructed out of a range of materials. One of the things I dislike about the video is that there is very little narrative and the majority of the video is performance.

    Final Choice

    I will be working in a group with Ashley Scott and Aaron Scott. When discussing ideas for music videos with my group members, we felt that a music video that relies mainly on narrative would be more interesting to watch and therefore keep the audiences attention. I asked for the opinions of Ash and Aaron on the song 'Where is The Love' by 'The Black Eyed Peas' as a potential choice for our music video, my reasons for choosing this video where that it was a song that I was very familiar with and had lots of ideas for narrative that we could use. Ash and Aaron both agreed that this would be a great music video to recreate for our A2 coursework and contributed a wide variety of ideas towards the narrative and performance elements of the video.

    Research Into The Artist

    Taboo,, and Fergie

    The black eyed peas are an american hip-hop group formed in Los Angeles, California in 1995. The group includes rappers Taboo,, and singer Fergie. Since the release of their third album Elephunk in 2003, the group has sold an estimated 56 million records worldwide. Their first worldwide song was 'Where Is The Love?' in 2003, which topped over ten charts worldwide. 

    Research of Videos in Our Genre of Music Video

    Firstly there are various close ups of the artist Akon which emphasises he is the main artist and makes him stand out from the rest of the characters in the video. There is a use of low key lighting which suggests a quite mysterious and gloomy atmosphere which relates to the use of characters as prisoners as fairly suspicious and mysterious, and this is emphasised through the whole video, and also creates a stereo type of prisoners as being the bad guys.

    The use of a new artist being promoted, Eminem at 2:14 keeps the audience interested, the tempo increases along with the editing used such as shorter shots. This foreshadows a more upbeat part of the song where Eminem raps and lets the song and artist being 'one' and together throughout the whole video. It also promotes the artist and maintains the interest of the audience.

    There are various slow motions throughout the music video which allows the artists to gain more attention and represents the importance they have. The close ups of the female character at 1:50 enhances the females beauty and emphasises her effort to look good for the other males in the room. The use of fades emphasise the time passed that the prisoners have withdrawn while being in prison and foreshadows that they will soon be let out.

    The narrative used at the start of the song is used to build up the relationship of the characters and the story behind the video to the audience. The start of the narrative shows the artist Akon in prison and gives the audience a outline of what will happen and why he has been let out of prison.

    The costumes used are very dull using colours of black on their clothing, this emphasises a very mysterious and inauspiciousness to the video. It also suggests that they are trying to stay hidden and perhaps that they are not meant to be there but instead doing something else. Akon's costume is very dull and mysterious as he is out of prison and suggests that he is not meant to be doing what he is doing in the video which contrasts with the next artist Eminem. His costume is very bright which emphasises that he can do what he wants and may not have to worry about being caught as he has not been in prison in the video.

    The male artists are all shown to be wealthy from the clothing they are wearing which suggests their power and wealth from the other characters and emphasises that they are the main artists in the video. The male artists are all wearing rich jewellery and rich clothing for example Akon is wearing a suit, which suggests the stereotype of males being more wealthy and their status as being much higher compared with the other artists.

    The impact these videos have had on making decisions for our music video are to create a great impact on the audience by thinking about the costumes used and promoting the main artists and to emphasise their power over other characters in our video. These videos have given ideas such as varied shots such as close ups promoting the artist and slow motion/fast motion shots to focus more on the artists themselves.

    I feel our music video will relate to these as these promote the stereotype of R&B songs as being wealthy and promoting the artists to a big extent to show their power towards the audience.

    Another video I am going to analyse is Justin Timberlake "I'm Lovin' it. The narrative in this song basically shows the artist trying to find a woman. The first feature I noticed was that it has an unusual pace compared to other R&B videos. It was fast at some points but then quite slow at others. This was to relate with the quick paced narrative of the artist rushing around a city but then getting delayed at parts. At one point in the video the artist uses direct address to the audience, this is quite an unusual but effective feature, as it makes the audience feel part of the narrative. This is an idea that I intend to use in our music video because the video is asking the audience where is the love, so we are directly addressing the audience and asking them to help make the world a better place. Another thing I like about this video, as that it does not focus around wealth and fame, something that a lot of R&B videos do focus on. In our music video I want to show the less wealthy side of society and so will also not focus on wealth and fame. As the song progresses the pace of the song quickens as the artist nearly reaches the woman he is after, this is effective because it helps to build tension towards the narrative, something that I wish to do in our music video

    The use of costume in this video is quite basic, I like this because it does not make the artist stand out that much from the crowd, and therefore audiences can relate with the artist more. The lighting is quite dull, which is odd because the video is quite a fast paced, and interesting narrative. I feel that brighter light could have been used for this video. However in our video I feel that quite dull natural lighting would be effective because it fits in with the run-down locations we intend to use. With regards to setting, this music video is filmed in an urban city, we intend to film some of our music video in a city, however the city is slightly less modern and quite run-down in comparison, this fits in with the theme of the song.

    Conventions of an R&B/Hip-Hop music video

    From my research I have found that the most common conventions of the genre are:
    • Black male artists are a common convention of this genre, we have decided to challenge this convention, as we are going to use white artists, we hope to show that white people can perform songs of this genre and disprove the stereotype
    • Run-down urban settings are used a lot in the videos that we have looked at, we are going to use a lot of these locations as it fits in with the theme of the song, and helps to show the economic depression of some areas of the world.
    • Lots of jewellery was worn by the artists, this is not a convention that we intend to use in our music video, as I feel it would draw attention away from the run-down poorer locations.
    • Attractive women are another common convention of this genre, we do not intend to focus on attractive women in our video as it could draw focus away from the main message of the music video.

    Wednesday 8 June 2011


    Promotional package for the release of an album to include a music promo video together with a cover for its release as part of a digipak, and a magazine advertisement for the digipak.