Saturday 10 December 2011

Evaluation Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We produced a questionnaire to gain ideas for our music video and receive other peoples preferences and expectations of music videos and also find out where and how they consume music videos.

Circle Which Apply To you

What gender are you?

 Male        Female                

What age are you?

13-15    16-18    18-21     22+

What type of music do you prefer?

R&B              Country and Western
Hip Hop        Classical
Rock             Acoustic
Pop               Rap

How many pop video’s do you watch a week?

0-3    4-7    5-10    10-14

What do you expect to see in a music video?

Bright colours                  Colour effects
Varied shots                    Special effects
Shots of the performer    Narrative         
Dancing                          The artist singing
Where do you watch music videos?

Internet                           Television
Mobile Phone                  iTunes

How important do you think an introduction is in a music video? Why? On a scale of 1-10

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

Analysis of Questionnaire

From our Questionnaire we discovered that generally people 
think an introduction is relatively important in a music video. 

From our questionnaire we can see that most people watch
music videos on the internet and on the Television

The main expectations of a music video according to our 
survey are: Shots of the performers, Narrative, Varied shots
and The artists singing.

Most people only watch between 4 and 7 music videos a week.

Our target audiences favourite genres of music were: 
Acoustic, Rock, Pop and R&B

The majority of our target audience were male.
Our target audience were all in the 16-18 year old age range.

The majority of our questionnaire participants rated the importance of a music video introduction. This shows that the introduction to a music video may not necessarily be that important to our target audience. Our target audience is between the ages of 16-18 as our group feels that the song would appeal to this age group and I feel it would have more of an impact on them and the society in which they live and the music genre which is hip hop/R&B would most likely appeal to this age group. In the second question which was where do you watch music videos the most common answer was the internet. This shows that the internet is one of the easiest ways to consume music videos and would therefore be a good platform for us to present our finished product on, via YouTube or otherwise.

Before finishing our video, we decided to show our media studies class mates, and asked them what we could possibly improve, there feedback was very helpful as it made us realise that we needed to make the narrative clearer.

We posted our finished product on Facebook, we received lots of feedback, some of which was quite detailed.

We also posted our video on YouTube, we did this in order to present our music video to a wider audience. Despite obtaining a lot of views on our video, we only received  two comments. These comments were positive but were not very constructive, therefore we found Facebook more useful for obtaining audience feedback, as it allowed us to present our video to friends and family who were willing to provide more useful feedback.

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