Friday 21 October 2011

Editing Update

Over the last few days I have been uploading all of the footage that we shot into Adobe Premiere Pro. This is done by clicking file and then capture in Premiere Pro, I then connected the camera to the computer using a Fire-Wire, and then checked the scene detect button and clicked record. It then recorded all of our footage onto the computer and stored it in the rushes bin. From there I could watch the shots and drag in the shots we decided to use into the timeline. We also downloaded the song onto the computer and then dragged it into the timeline, this allowed us to position the shots in the right place and get the music and the artists performance in sync.

We then had the basic outline of our music video:

The shot that you can see above is a performance shot. To make the shot look in sync with the music we first had to shorten it and then via trial and improvement, position it so that when played was in time with the music.

We still had a few gaps due to shots not turning out how we had hoped, so we had to either re-shoot or come  up with a slightly different idea.

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