Sunday 30 October 2011

What is a Digipak?

A Digipak is a style of CD or DVD packaging, used to promote a particular artist

My digipak will have between 4 and 6 sides, including a front cover, reverse cover, spine and disk impression.

Monday 24 October 2011

Editing Update

Today we have added some of the shots that we have re-shot into the timeline. There are still gaps in the video but we are going to fill them in over the next few weeks. Today I have edited a few of the shots that we took.

One of the shots I edited is of traffic on a busy road in Lincoln. 

We wanted this shot to show the passing of time so decided to change the speed of the clip to 3000%. 

This worked rather well as the song is quite fast paced and so speeding up this 30 minute clip to a 4 second shot looked good and gave the feeling of the passing of time in the video.

Friday 21 October 2011

Editing Update

Over the last few days I have been uploading all of the footage that we shot into Adobe Premiere Pro. This is done by clicking file and then capture in Premiere Pro, I then connected the camera to the computer using a Fire-Wire, and then checked the scene detect button and clicked record. It then recorded all of our footage onto the computer and stored it in the rushes bin. From there I could watch the shots and drag in the shots we decided to use into the timeline. We also downloaded the song onto the computer and then dragged it into the timeline, this allowed us to position the shots in the right place and get the music and the artists performance in sync.

We then had the basic outline of our music video:

The shot that you can see above is a performance shot. To make the shot look in sync with the music we first had to shorten it and then via trial and improvement, position it so that when played was in time with the music.

We still had a few gaps due to shots not turning out how we had hoped, so we had to either re-shoot or come  up with a slightly different idea.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Editing Of Our Music Video

The main editing software that we used was Adobe Premiere Pro, it is a timeline-based video editing software and allows for a wide range of effects, transitions and video manipulation.

Below is an image of the Adobe Premiere Pro work-space. Over the next few weeks i will be using Premiere Pro to edit the footage that we have produced. I will be posting updates of our progress.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Filming - 12th Of October

Yesterday we filmed the rest of the chase scene in Market Rasen that we were not able to finish due to weather issues, I filmed the scene whilst my two group members Ash and Aaron performed the chase sequence.

Monday 10 October 2011

Filming - 9th Of October

Yesterday we filmed the train journey from Market Rasen to Lincoln. We also filmed a lot of the events in Lincoln. We had to chose a date that we could get everybody to Lincoln who we needed in the events, which was difficult because we needed quite a lot of performers. For the train journey we just needed Ash, as he was the only character who was going to be filmed getting on the train.

When we reached Lincoln we got as many scenes filmed as possible. We started off by filming Ash walking through different areas of Lincoln.

We then filmed a scene with two of our friends Shannon and Izzy who we had have an argument whilst Ash walked past them.

We also decided to film cutaway of a street performer singing whilst in Lincoln as we thought that it might tie in well with the events of Lincoln.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Filming - 7th Of October

Today me and one of my group members Aaron filmed a scene with Tom Manson who was another one of our performers. This scene was filmed in the school music studio, we used headphones, and a microphone to make the location look like a real recording studio.